Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Sometimes the busyness of life can steel away our time and enthusiasm to paint. After a while our passion can fade. That's where a little inspiration helps a lot. Are there some simple ideas to get back on track happy and excited to paint?

Approaching Storm - Kenn Backhaus
Viewing Good Art:
Art Books and magazines are a great source. And now we have the internet!!! Best of course is viewing the actual paintings. The subtlety and nuance that make great paintings is missed in print and on line.  You can go to museums to see old master paintings and galleries for viewing new master pieces of artwork. On this blog look to the side bar for links.

What art styles or artists do you like? Are you inspired by landscape, portrait or still life? Is there a certain painting that really moves you? This gives you direction and will help you see where you want to go with your own art. What can you see yourself doing?
Towers of the Virgin - Kenn Backhaus
Ask yourself how do I get to where I want to go with my art? Do I need to strengthen my skills? What would make my work stronger and more moving? Are there principles that would help me to see what makes a strong painting? (Drawing, value, edge, color, learning about the temperatures of light?)

Do I go to school? If you are young and can go for it. Find the best school that trains in the style you like. If that is not feasible, try workshops, video's and books. The internet is a great source of online teaching. Check the side bar.

Get together with other artists:
You can do this with friends, art groups, workshops and conferences. Of course this is why we formed Illumine Artist Guild. Locally, the Southern Oregon Society of Artists (SOSA) has been around for over 30 years. We love coming together for critiques and demos. I always walk away joyful and inspired being around other artists.

Having something to paint for:
Do you have an event or competition coming up with a deadline. I hate to say it, but it does really help you to set aside the distractions and get into your studio. See side bar for ideas. Also there is a SOSA critique coming up the last Monday of April. Keep checking here for more info.

Being Out in God's Creation:
Is it the fresh air, the sun on your face, or just being in awe of the beauty of God's creation that lifts our heart and soul? Creation is His artwork. We are His creation as well, created in His image with the desire to create.

Planning your next painting:
Ideas, ideas, ideas... pictures are running through your mind...  sometimes even at night when you are trying to sleep, visions of a painting to be are playing like a video. Do you ever want to just jump out of bed and get started? That's when you know your inspiration is on overdrive. Sleep is good.

Just painting:
When we get away from painting for a while and lose focus, our inspiration goes. But just getting in your space, with some inspiring music, and painting really lifts our spirits. That is why we paint after all, isn't it?

What does the word inspiration mean? 

Inspiration: Here are some definitions from the internet:
  • something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
  • a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something
  • a good idea
Full Definition of INSPIRATION:
Divine Influence: 
a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation 
the action or power of moving the intellect or emotion
the act of influencing or suggesting opinions

Draw in:
·         the act of drawing in; specifically :  the drawing of air into the lungs

Being Inspired:
·        the quality or state of being inspired
·        something that is inspired <a scheme that was pure inspiration>

·        an inspiring agent or influence

Additional thoughts from an old dictionary:

Put thought, feeling, life, force into... Affect, influence... arouse or influence from a divine force... Breath in

Put spirit into; encourage, hearten

Dictionary of World Origins:

Enthusiasm originally comes from enthous or entheos meaning possessed or inspired... en - 'in' and theos - 'god'... divine inspiration

Latin spiritus originally meant "breath"... gradually took over for the word for soul.

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, 
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; 
and man became a living soul." 
Genesis 2:7 KJV

The Spirit of God and His Leading 
When looking for enthusiasm and inspiration look to your Creator.  Take a deep breathe of faith and trust He will fill you with His breathe. Allow His Spirit to direct your path and guide your strokes on the canvas.

"For we are God's masterpiece. 
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, 
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." 
Ephesians 2:10 NLT

His masterpiece... think about that! He created us as new people IN Christ, each with our own special giftings to accomplish His purpose in our life.

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