Wednesday, April 9, 2014

First Day Out

What an incredible day! The weather was perfect... warm with a cool breeze. The light had a beautiful quality to it - almost magical. A breeze stirred... scented with a delicious floral scent... blossoms floated around us like swirling snow.  We felt like Lucy in Narnia with the tree spirits.

Welcome to Hanley Farm
We arrived one at a time and were swept away in the magic. Now, what to paint? We toured the farm, snatching photos at every lovely view point and finally settled down to paint our favorite scene. See our gallery of photo's by clicking the Read More:

Magnolias and Mountains
Imagine Rose colored Trillium
Jeanne sketches
Jennifer snaps photos of flowers

Cool House

She photos another vista

Marilyn sketching on her i-pad

Charity Paints the farm house
 All in all, a beautiful relaxing day with art loving friends. Inspiration is our theme for this month. We found it today just being out in God's beautiful creation. It just felt good to be there... didn't even want to leave. Charity was still painting when I left about 5:30!

Next Month, first week of May we plan to paint at Lithia Park. Will update on day and time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I am so impressed, you have put this together wonderfully. you girls have become the
